A Smart Stethoscope Puts AI in Medics’ Ears

Engineers from Johns Hopkins reinvent the humble stethoscope to save livesfigure.stacked.xlrg img { padding-bottom: 6px; } figure.stacked.xlrg figcaption { padding-bottom: 26px; } .article-detail figure.stacked figcaption:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 12px; } Video: Johns Hopkins University Tech for a Noisy World: Researchers simulated an extremely noisy environment in the lab (the…

Know the Right Enclosure Material for Your Application

Discover the protective advantages of the right material for your application.The enclosure material you select impacts the lifespan, functionality and performance of the components inside. What are the different protective specifications? In this technical paper, you'll find field-tested recommendations on enclosure materials and learn how your enclosure is impacted by…