iRobot Develops Self-Emptying Roomba

A special dock that sucks all the dirt out of a Roomba makes the robot even more useful

It’s no secret that one of the most annoying things about Roombas and other robot vacuums is that despite all of their autonomy, you still have to empty out their dust bins, which is not only messy but also breaks you out of that “effortless clean” fantastical dream that these robots promise. With that in mind, it’s not at all surprising that we’ve been hearing rumors about self-emptying Roombas for like a decade—for example, there’s this 2007 iRobot patent that I wrote about years and years ago. We’ve been wondering about this for so long that we’d stopped asking iRobot about it, stopped thinking about it ourselves, and just kind of figured it would never happen. Good gravy, were we dead wrong about that!

Today, iRobot is announcing a new charging dock for the equally new Roomba i7+ that incorporates its own dustbin plus a vacuuming system that can automatically transfer the contents of the Roomba’s bin directly into the dock while recharging the robot at the same time. This means that your i7+ can operate totally autonomously for weeks or even months—you can stop thinking about it completely and just enjoy cleaner floors.