Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak on Smart Watches, Motivating Engineers, Siri, and More

Steve Wozniak, speaking at a Samsung event, admits that he once faked out tech historians

In a fire hose of stories old and new, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak reminisced about staying up all night to design products at Apple, bragged about conquering computer games, and opined on AI, smart watches, and Siri. Speaking at Samsung’s annual Tech Day, Wozniak leapt from topic to topic, and ended with some astute advice for today’s corporations. The audience of Samsung employees, customers, analysts, and media hung onto every word, and burst into laughter when his frankness skewered tech companies—including host Samsung. (Wozniak’s talk was structured as an interview with Samsung Senior Vice President Jim Elliott, but Elliott could do little more than hang on for the ride.)