Roomba i7+ Review: The Most Capable, Most Expensive Robot Vacuum

iRobot’s newest flagship robot vacuum is the best there is, if you can afford it

iRobot announced the Roomba i7+ in September. It’s their newest, fanciest, most spectacular robot vacuum, and will set you back an eyebrow-raising US $950. The i7+ includes both iRobot’s premium i7 vacuum, and a “+” in the form of a docking station that will empty the i7’s dustbin into a larger disposable bag. This means that you can go much, much longer between maintenance sessions, and it’s entirely possible that the i7 can operate in your home autonomously for weeks or even months, keeping your floors clean without you ever having to think about it.

While the dirt disposal dock is the most visible new feature, we’ve also been looking forward to the persistent maps that come with the i7. These are maps that stick around between cleaning sessions, allowing you to give the robot specific instructions like exactly where and where not to clean, and while the dirt dock is cool, persistent maps are even cooler, with an enormous amount of long-term potential. 

The i7+ is, without a doubt, extraordinarily capable, but it’s also very, very expensive. Even if you really like robot vacuums, it could be a stretch to justify getting one, especially if you have a newer Roomba or one of Neato’s higher-end vacuums. So is it worth it? Let’s take a look.