5G Small-Cell Base Station Antenna Array Design

In this eSeminar we will explore state-of-the-art simulation approaches for antenna array design, with a particular focus on 5G small-cell base station antennas.

Realizing the 5G promise of reliably providing high data rate connections to many users simultaneously requires the use of new design approaches for base station antennas. In particular, antenna arrays will increasingly be used to enable agile beam forming and massive MIMO technology, both required to provide good service in dynamic, complex urban environments with a high number of users. The array design capabilities of SIMULIA CST Studio Suite have grown dramatically over the last years and are relied on by many companies around the world.

Join us to learn more about how simulation can help you with your array design, as we answer the following questions.

  • How can antenna elements be designed and evaluated in terms of their suitability as an array element?
  • How can full arrays with real radomes be simulated accurately much more quickly than before using the new simulation-by-zones approach?
  • How can interference between multiple co-located arrays be evaluated using advanced hybrid simulation techniques?
  • Finally, how can the coverage performance of base station arrays in complex urban or indoor environments be predicted?

Source: IEEE Spectrum Computing